How to quickly count (source) lines of code using npx cloc

Published on in Cool tools

Last updated on

Run npx cloc [options] <files/dirs>. E.g. npx cloc src/ or npx cloc foo.js bar.css.

The cloc npm package by Kent C. Dodds is a wrapper around the cloc command line program by Al Danial.

Example from this repo:

$ npx cloc . \
    --exclude-dir=_sample-content,_site,node_modules \

npx: installed 1 in 1.085s
     172 text files.
     162 unique files.
      49 files ignored. v 1.90  T=0.22 s (707.6 files/s, 59215.9 lines/s)
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Markdown                       100           1947              0           8129
JavaScript                      27            114            110            848
Pug                             18             78            123            789
CSS                              1             34             31            328
TOML                             1             31              2            127
JSON                             2              0              0             67
YAML                             1              2              2             12
XML                              1              0              0              8
Bourne Shell                     1              4              9              7
SVG                              1              0              0              1
SUM:                           153           2210            277          10316

Run npx cloc or npx cloc --help for more options and information.