
RSS/Atom and JSON feeds to keep track of new content on this site.

RSS/Atom feed

RSS/Atom feed for blog posts

This is actually an Atom feed, but I call it an "RSS/Atom feed" because the term "Atom" might not be as well-known as "RSS."

JSON feed

JSON feed for blog posts

This feed is for you if your feed reader of choice supports JSON feeds. The feed follows the JSON Feed Version 1.1 spec.

Following without a feed reader

If you don't use a feed reader, you could try googling "rss to email." There seems to be a few such services, though I have personally never used any service like that so I don't know whether they are good.

If you use IFTTT, you could try out the Subscribe to any RSS Feed applet. It's made by IFTTT itself, so I presume it should work well.

If you use a bookmark manager like Raindrop, you could try googling "raindrop rss" and so on.

Finally, consider also trying out an RSS reader, they are useful! I personally use BazQux Reader and can warmly recommend it (no affiliation).