How to use Azure AD authentication in DBeaver
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Alternative title: How to fix the "Failed to load MSAL4J Java library for performing ActiveDirectoryPassword authentication" error.
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Alternative title: How to fix the "Failed to load MSAL4J Java library for performing ActiveDirectoryPassword authentication" error.
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Make sure you are not missing two empty lines after the request headers. There's a UX lesson here.
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Use the :style()
operator in a uBlock Origin filter
to apply CSS styles to the targeted elements.
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I sometimes forget what these two headers do in requests vs responses, so here's a refresher for me.
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In a perfect world, minor- and patch-level version bumps don't have breaking changes. In the real world, things are complicated and shit happens.
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Incidentally, it's also great for searching for certain words in a video.
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Legacy code means unfamiliar code. Legacy code has much more to do with unfamiliarity than the quality of the code itself.
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This 16-minute video by Henrik Kniberg is a great overview of the agile software development process, but also contains lots of smaller great insights.
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Most chat apps have an "unread" message state to keep track of messages I haven't read yet. Why isn't there a different state for messages I haven't replied to yet?
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I kayaked for the first time in my life and quite liked it. Then I ate pizza.
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A daily stand-up should focus on the sprint. But it should also be about the team members.
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If you append a comment (like # foo
) to a terminal command,
you can search by the comment text when using Ctrl+R.
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That cool thing you just heard about – is it suddenly gaining popularity, or are you just noticing the topic more?
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Expiring skills vs permanent skills and just-in-time learning vs just-in-case learning.
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RFC 2119 defines key words such as "MUST," "MUST NOT," "REQUIRED" and "SHALL" that are often used in specifications. Here's a summary of the key word definitions.